LAUSD Climate Literacy Resolution Up for a Vote
On Feb. 8, thanks to the enormous efforts of teacher Lucy Garcia and her committee of dedicated educators, students, and community members, an ambitious Climate Literacy Resolution will come before the LAUSD Board of Education for a vote. It calls for a bold and extensive reworking of the curriculum to reflect current environmental crises:
Resolved, That the District commits to transforming our teaching of climate change to meet the scale and urgency of the crises by implementing, infusing, and developing climate change education across all the curricula, and in every grade PK-12, a commitment that will require the allocation of significant resources.
The resolution notes the environmental injustices suffered by students of color, especially those living in the central city, and expresses concern for the emotional well-being of all students, given the world’s uncertain future.
LAUSD would not be the first district in California to take such a step, as Berkeley and three other Bay Area districts did so last year, but as the second largest district in the nation, its resolution would be sure to garner national attention.
A wide range of environmental organizations, educators, and elected officials have written to the Budget Leadership in Sacramento requesting a $200 million allocation for climate education in the state. The letter asks to 1) Provide $40MM for leadership at the state level, 2) Provide $60MM for direction and support at the county level, and 3) Provide $100MM for District implementation and integration.
Garcia’s Climate Curriculum Committee was formed early last year, with the assistance of the Climate Reality Project, which promotes climate education and action globally. Among the committee’s dozen members, SEI’s George Leddy has been a regular participant from the start.
The committee is asking for LACCD faculty to support our efforts. (After all, their students will be ours very soon.) Please write a letter to be sent via e-mail before the Feb. 8 Board meeting. Items received by 5 p.m. the day before will be distributed to all Board Members. You could also call and leave a message. And please sign the committee’s petition.
Email all Board Members at boardmembers@lausd.net
Leave a phone message at (213) 443-4472
Sign the committee’s petition: www.laclimatereality.org/petition
Visit their website: www.laclimatereality.org/climatecurricula